We use the following types of cookies on our sites:
Strictly Necessary Cookies - These cookies are essential in order to carry out a transaction or request initiated by you. Examples include remembering information provided by you as you move through the site to and managing your logged-in status during the session. You cannot opt out of these cookies as the websites cannot function properly without them.
Functional Cookies - These cookies allow the site to remember choices you have made in order to provide functionality for your benefit. For example, functional cookies allow the site to remember settings specific to you, such as your country selection and persistent logged-in state if selected by you, and other customized features.
Analytic Cookies - These cookies allow us to collect data relating to your use of our sites, including the content on which you click while browsing on our sites, in order to measure the effectiveness and consumer interaction with the site and improve our sites over time. These cookies may be provided by our third-party analytic tool provider but are only used for purposes related to our sites.
Targeting Cookies - These cookies remember information regarding your use of our sites and other sites so that we can serve promotional and other targeted information to you on our sites.
Re-Targeting Cookies - These cookies remember information regarding your use of our sites so that we can serve promotional and other targeted information to you on other sites.
Social Media Cookies - These cookies provide access to social networks and may collect personal information in relation to your use of these networks. We have no control for how the social networks may collect and use your personal information and their use is subject to the social network’s privacy policy,
Click here for more detail about the Cookies we use.
To learn more about cookies, visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org.